batch current directory when starting as administrator
(I never knew about cd %~dp0)
Editor for cmd and batch files
Add EditPad Lite as Editor
Windows 11 Terminal to Command Prompt
Enable IE Mode in Microsoft Edge
Allow sites to
be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode, set to Allow
Disable Windows 11 Installation
Download and extract the .REG file
Firefox: disable search in the address bar
If you're talking about the
search box on the new-tab page, try going to about:config
and set
to false.
Twacker to test TWAIN
Windows 10 Mapped Drives not showing
during installation of software Admin mode
OpenVPN Client Download
Windows 7/8/8.1/Server 2012r2 / Windows 10/Server 2016/Server 2019
7 Some Updates don’t install. Servicing Stack Update
Use IE for this site:
Download x64 version here
and x86 version here
7 bug prevents users from shutting down or rebooting computers
Workaround #1:
Step 1: Log off from
the current account.
Step 2: Use the red button at the bottom-right corner of the screen to
shut down or restart the computer.
Change settings using Policy Editor
A more permanent way to go around this bug has been put forward by several users on Reddit and by IT support firm Quick Heal.
Step 1: Press Windows+R
to open the Run window.
Step 2: Type gpedit.msc
and press Enter.
Step 3: In the Group Policy Editor window go to: Computer
Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies
> Security Options.
Step 4: In the right panel of the Security Options
option, search and double-click on "User Account Control: Run all
administrators in Admin Approval Mode."
Step 5: In the new window, select Enable.
Step 6: Reopen the Run window, but this time
type "gpupdate /force"
and press Enter. This will update all group policies.
Step 7: Restart or shut down your system normally.
8dot3name on newer versions of Windows Server
run “fsutil 8dot3name set 0” to Enable
It creates a new REG_DWORD key on:
LongPathsEnabled – Value 1
Upgrade Server 2016 Eval to Full Version before Activation
How to disable Simplified Account Creation in Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019 and Outlook for Office 365
to Increase the Outlook Attachment Size Limit
the Outlook closed while you had items open.
Reopen items from last session prompt (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Preferences
DWORD: ReopenWindowsOption)
you can change it in Options, General.
Another site with disable simplified account creation instructions
Possible solutions for Gmail require frequent login for Outlook IMAP.
Network Drive Not Showing in the Elevated Apps (PDF)
Backup Roamcache folder
@echo off
rem make backup of roamcache
dat files
rem run on startup
if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\RoamCache" md "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\RoamCache"
xcopy "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\RoamCache\*.*" "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\RoamCache" /r /y /m /c
Windows Server
2008 R2 Fix for January 8, 2019—KB4480970 (Monthly Rollup)and
January 8, 2019—KB4480960 (Security-only update):
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
6. Expand "Local
Policies" and select "Security Options"
7. Alternate :
Type secpol.msc to get editor up then
8. Locate "Network Security: LAN
Manager Authentication Level" in the list and double-click it.
9. Change the setting from "Send
NTMLv2 response only" to "Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session if
10. Network Security: Minimum session
security for NTLM SSP Based (including secure RPC) Clients
11. Change the setting from "require
128 bit" to unchecked (No Minimum)
12. Click OK
Test Browser SSL
Spectre and
Meltdown Windows Updates
this list for your Anti-Virus compatibility
Server 2008 R2 x64 update
QuickBooks updates
Windows 7 Intel
Ethernet disconnects issue.
The following two
commands might fix it.
powercfg -change -monitor-timeout-ac 0
powercfg -change -standby-timeout-ac 0
Manual setup of accounts in Outlook
Block Windows 10
info page from GRC Download
Control Panel from ULTIMATE OUTSIDER. Installer
or Stand-Alone
NUCS: Normal
Unexplainable Computer Weirdness
Try and Stop
Win10 Upgrade InfoWorld
Article Tehnoblog page
An alternative to the above steps, open a Command Prompt as Administrator, and run the following command:
WUSA /Uninstall /KB:3035583
addition to the registry key above, you can also rename the GWXUXWorker.exe and
GWX.exe files that are responsible for the nag message (as if they’re deleted).
To do so, end and terminate the GWX.exe
process using Task Manager.
Then, rename the GWXUXWorker.exe
and GWX.exe which are located at C:\Windows\System32\GWX folder to another name,
such as by appending an suffix likes backup or old. If
you prefer, you can delete and remove the entire GWX folder too. Note that you
may need to give the system permission’s to respective files if you’re facing
with access denied issue.
In Control Panel, Add or Remove programs, on the left click View installed updates. Look for KB 2952664 (likely on Win7 systems) and KB 2976978 (likely on Win 8.1). Also look for KB 3035583 (both Win7 and Win 8.1). If you find any of them (hint: click the column heading to sort alphabetically), click on it, and click Uninstall.
Step 7. Permanently disable the GWX patches. Go in to
Windows Update and "hide" KB 2952664, KB 2976978, and/or KB 3035583.
To hide them, run Search for Updates, right-click on the entry and choose Hide.
New Normal Amazon Link: Amazon
Firefox: give me back my OK & Cancel
Also add Throbber
Malwarebytes updated download:
Flash Player Distribution if Licensed
To turn password complexity off in Windows
2008 Server follow these steps:
run gpmc.msc (Group
Policy Management)
Expand your Domain
Go to <Group Policy Objects> and select
<Default Domain Policy>
<Computer Configurations>
<Policies> <Windows Settings> <Security Settings> <Account
Policies> <Password Policy>
Disable Password Complexity.
This is the only way to disable Password
Complexity in Server 2008.
The local Security Policy can
not be used for changing Password Complexity in Server 2008.
run gpupdate /force
For a Workgroup Server
Click Start, Administrative Tools, Local
Security Policy.
Once that's open, go to Account Policies,
Password Policies and change the requirement there.
Windows 7-8 Connect to W2K
on Client computer
1. Run regedit.
2. Navigate to:
3. Create a DWORD value under Lsa
4. Set the value to 1
5. quit regedit
5. from Start/Run type gpupdate
Fix corrupt registy
files in Windows XP using BootMed CD
Boot to the BootMed
Close Firefox and you will see Computer
Open that and open the C: drive
Open the folder System Volume Information
Open the folder _restore{blah
Look for a RPXX folder. Each of them are System Restore copies of registry files, etc.
Choose one down from the highest number
Open the Snapshot folder
Inside that are files like
_Registry_Machine_System, _Registry_Machine_SAM,
_Registry_Machine_Software and so on.
Those are the
good copies of the files: System, Software, etc in
Over in c:\windows\system32\config is where
Windows keeps the current ones it's using.
Rename the System and Software files to system.bad and software.bad
Copy the _Registry_Machine_System,
_Registry_Machine_Software files to
Remove the _Registry_Machine_
part of the filename.
Now you will have two hopefully good files:
system and software.
Reboot and see if it works.
You might also boot up to your Windows XP CD
and do a repair. If you do that, make sure to keep a copy of one of those System restore folders in case the system repair
process removes them.
Fix Windows 7 Network Shortcuts disappearing
Determine Win7 version on install DVD
February 14, 2011 at 7:25 am · Filed under
I recently faced the question on how to
determine the version of an given blank Windows 7 DVD.
On my web search I discovered 3 ways to
determine if the given DVD is an install media of an
32- or 64-bit system.
The first way is to take a look at the
autorun.inf at the root of the DVD. Here you will find a section named [Autorun] and the whole file looks like this:
This is how it will look for 32-bit systems.
64-bit Autorun.inf contains the following lines:
[AutoRun]open=sources\sperr32.exe x64icon=sources\sperr32.exe,0
If you have already an installed Windows 7
System there is a third way. Just open up a console with admin rights and type
dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:x:\sources\boot.wim
which get’s the
information from the windows boot image file and brings up the following information:
Deployment Image Servicing and Management
tool Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Details for image :
Index : 1
Name : Microsoft Windows PE (x86)
Description : Microsoft Windows PE (x86)
Size : 806,390,831 bytes
Index : 2
Name : Microsoft Windows Setup (x86)
Description : Microsoft Windows Setup (x86)
Size : 881,382,947 bytes
The operation completed successfully
Windows Server 2008 Auto Login
In the Start menu click Run and enter control
You might need to run this command first:
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
/v AutoAdminLogon /t REG_SZ /d "1" /f
See this page for more info:
Contacts: ./contacts
Calendar: ./calendar
Tasks: ./tasks
Notes: ./notes
Funambol SyncML Client
BlackBerry OS 4.7 or later:
BlackBerry OS 4.6 or prioir:
Windows Mobile smart phone:
Windows Mobile PocketPC:
Comcast Media Center Setup with a DTA
I struggled for many hours trying to get
Windows 7 Media Center to work
with the new stupid Digital Cable after Comcast
switched to requiring a
DTA (for my benefit, they claim).
I sold a customer a feature filled Dual Tuner
card (AVerMedia AVerTVHD
Duet), but it just would not allow me to tell
it I had a Set Top Box. In
my own MCE PC, I used an older Hauppage without a DTA because my area
had not converted yet and it got most of the
channels without needing a
I ended up with a spare ATI Theater 650 PCI
card. So, I took a new
Windows 7 machine and put the ATI card in and
activated one of my DTAs
and poof, MCE detected it first try. I had to
train it to understand the
remote codes, but at least it worked.
So, I went to the customers house and swapped
out the tuner card and
poof, MCE detected the DTA. If I understand it
correctly, you need to
use a regular NON-Digital ATSC/ClearQAM tuner card if
you use a Cable TV DTA. Maybe it can save other
people the hours of
frustration that I went through.
Mdaemon & Outlook Connector & SyncML & Blackberry Integration
Sometimes the RIM BIS service will use POP3
instead of IMAP, which means Push mail doesn't work.
I disabled POP3 access for that user account
and then finally BIS
used IMAP. It also worked on a second
My next problem is what to do when Funambol BB client won't sync all calendar items, just some
them. I have solved it temporarily by using
Nexthaus SyncJE to sync
Calendar/Contacts & Tasks
and Funambol for
Notes. It sure seems silly to use two different SyncML
clients on one device.
Windows 7 Legacy Printer managment
Pro or Ultimate, you
can use the tools provided by the printing team
Print Management Console to view local printers printmanagement.msc.
Links don't work in Microsoft Office
The standard fix was to reset the internet
defaults or make IE check to be the default.
I had one Windows XP Pro SP2 computer that
had gotten hit by malware and after the cleanup,
links didn't work in Microsoft Outlook 2003 or
2007, yet worked fine in other NON-MS Office programs.
Even links in Word didn't show up as internet
Completely removing Office 2003 didn't work
Installed Office 2007 didn't work
Removed & re-installed Firefox didn't
uninstalled IE8 didn't work
Re-installed IE7 and IE8 didn't work
Followed some peoples
suggestion to re-register some DLLs, still no go
ran sfc /scannow didn't work
Finally did an Upgrade install using an OEM
XP Pro SP3 CD.
Then IE7 didn't work
Re-installed it, no go.
Uninstalled and re-installed again, still no
Installed IE8 (downloaded with Firefox) and
it works
Now clicking on links in Outlook work
Windows 7
Make a new folder and name it this:
Then you have access to all settings
Can cause X64 to crash
Mechanical Keyswitch
After using my Focus FK-2001 Keyboard for
about 15 years, I finally decided to get a new keyboard.
I love Windows 7 and am really starting to
use the Windows Key, which my FK-2001 doesn't have.
A few years ago I had the opportunity to snag
a couple of FK-2001 keyboard and hung onto them for my own use.
One of them had the Windows key - so I hooked
it up and gave it a try.
I had some problems, mostly the placement of
the back-slash key. They made the Right-Shift key smaller
and put the backslash to the right of that
key. I found myself frequently pressing it when I meant to press Shift.
It seems that after about 25 years, I've
developed a habit or two regarding key placement.
The other thing was that the keys just seemed
to be a little to light to the touch and sometimes I
got double keys.
Maybe I could get used to it, but I wanted to
give a new keyboard a try.
I spent a couple of hours or more reading
reviews of mechanical Keyboards
I ordered four keyboards that I could find
and had a layout I felt I could live with.
Cherry G80-3000
Standard PC Keyboard (USB/PS-2 Combo Keyboard MX Gold CrossPoint
Key Switch) - Color: Black
iOne Scorpius M10
This is the best keyboard so far, out of the
4 that I bought. So far, I think I will keep it.
It remains to be seen if I like the smaller
Enter key. The FK-2001 had the large L shaped Enter key that I really
It uses Cherry MX Blue Key Switches. My
old Focus FK-2001 uses the White switches I believe. I'm not really sure
Finally, the BEST one!
I was getting to dislike the iOne Scorpius M10, the keys are
just a little too light to the touch.
I spent another hour researching mechanical
keyboards and read about the company that has
the IBM patent, Unicomp.
So, I checked out their site at
They have a whole bunch of different
keyboards to choose from.
I looked for the one closest to the standard
I was used to.
The new SpaceSaver
models have the same size keys and feel as the classic IBM keyboards.
I ordered the Pearl White Buckling Spring
model for $69.00 (with shipping: $82.92)
After a few days, it came and I hooked it
up. It is SO VERY Wonderful!!!
So, now I am a happy typer
Making Pegasus Mail the default mailer in
Windows 7
I was able to set the "default"
value of
to C:\PMAIL\Programs\wsendto.exe %1
To Make IE8 run better if it's dog slow
regsvr32 actxprxy.dll
Enable Auto-Logon in Windows Vista &
Windows 7 (Warning: Security Risk)
Posted on February 9th, 2007 by Jason
a) click Start and
type ‘netplwiz’ or click that name on the Start menu
b) in the GUI window
that comes up, uncheck the "Users must enter a username and password to
use this computer" box
c) click ‘Apply’
d) in the new dialog
box that opens type the name of the account you want to auto-logon by default
(if the account is not normally passworded then it
e) click OK and exit
Windows 7
Here's how to become administrator: open a
command prompt in
administrator mode by right-clicking the command prompt
and choosing
"Run as administrator", then type
"net user
administrator /active:yes" w/o the quotes.
Next you'll need to go to Control Panel,
Users and set a password.
Adobe Acrobat Pro 8 (maybe other versions
For those who have the ?repair
activation problem,? this will do the
trick. No uninstall required. No digging down into
the freaking registry.
No YourUninstaller.
No .dll patch. Here?s what you do:
#1 Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\FLEXnet.
#2 See the file, ?
NUKE that shit.
#3 Restart Acrobat,
and it should prompt you to activate the software.
Office 2003 admin install, re-directing to
new Install location
msiexec /i C:\Office11_2003Pro\PRO11.MSI
Setting the Numlock
on W2K and Windows XP to ON at startup
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard\InitialKeyboardIndicators
Set to 2
Got my Verizon Palm Centro, it's good.
Some notes
WordComp doesn't work right
TextComplete works pretty well, but then some keys on the
left side
don't work right when tapping the Option button
and then A for example,
gives me an a, instead of & like it should.
Graffiti Shortcuts are still there, just not
Press the ALT key, choose the Shortcut Key at
the bottom, then enter the
shortcut keys. As far as I can tell, there is
no way to edit or even view them.
I had to re-install the Graffiti_ShortCuts.PRC
file from a previous backup
AVG Free 8.0 running on Windows 2000 (W2K),
the Update Manager is a
problem that is fixed by converting the hard drive
If the File System is Fat32, the Update
Manager will not activate
I think the message is "Update Scheduler
is disabled"
Run the installation with the parameters to
change settings to increase
Black Berry crashing during Sync. Check
for Duplicate Reoccurring
appointment or contact without a name.
WebAdmin getting to SPAM
Trap fast.
http://webadminurl:1000/spamtrap.wdm works with Analogx
Atomic Timesync
This is a new test of SPAM prevention.
Dell Optiplex
Desktop, power light blinking yellow. Replacing the Power Supply
fixed it.
I bought the Wiha
71990 Security Bit Set from I got
them today, but they are all 6 point bits.
Another waste of time and
I got the Torx kit
from McMaster and they don't fit. I don't know what
the deal is.
Opening up Seagate USB Hard Drive turned into
quite a hassle. Seagate
uses Tamper-Resistant Torx
(TORX Plus® tamper resistant) screws. They
use 5 rounded lobes (instead of the usual 6
pointy ones) and have a
center security pin.
5 Point Security Torx
Plus Bits Are Available for Order To OEM's and
their Authorized Service Technicians
I was able to find a kit at
Part Number 55525A41, Tamper-Resistant Torx L-Key 6 Piece Set, Sizes:
T10-T30, W/Vinyl Pouch for $15.87
This is what the tool tip looks like:
Still doesn't work!